Monday, April 5, 2010

Snowy Spring...Food Observations...Inspirations

I woke up to big, fat, juicy flakes of snow flying past the window. By the time I got up, three inches had accumulated on the ground and Olive was a polar bear when she returned from her morning routine. It made me feel the anxious, gotta-get-out-and-ski sensation that only living in Jackson can evoke on a regular basis. I also felt like I just wanted to stay in my PJ's, warm with a cup of tea. Spring snow doesn't stick around long though; by the afternoon most of the five inches had vanished.

I am on day six of my ten day cleanse. I have mixed feelings. It feels great to have a goal, to test my willpower, to know that everything I am putting into my body is good for me. I also feel regulated, hungry often, and slightly crazed at times with my obsession of what I am going to eat and when. It is an unsettling relationship with food, maybe because it is a foreign one. I will take with me from this adventure a better idea of what to reach for when I snack, how much to eat in a sitting, and perhaps a little less coffee. What I want to consume next weekend, when I am through, is: chai tea with milk and honey, granola and yogurt, a piece of local made bread with butter, a hamburger (!), and a glass of red wine. Those are the things I miss the most...

My friend B sent out an art blog today, with an email that really struck me because it sounded like myself. It is often uncanny how B's thoughts about her artistic life are so parallel to mine. Not that our situations are unique. In fact, I would say most artists struggle with the creative process and with how to live an artistic life. Her blog and bravery made me smile though. Good job B!

Okay. Enough computer time for the day. I get lost in wedding blog world every evening it seems.

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