Thursday, May 17, 2012


Moods are so interesting. How they shift and bend, stretch and linger. When in a mood, it is not easy for me to pull myself out of it, although I have tried to learn to observe it and figure out what is at the roots. Good and bad; it is all a case to study. How our minds shift according to the weather, a conversation, a smile, an experience and suddenly we have gone from the depths to cloud nine. Or vice versa.

Today sailed light years ahead of yesterday. Yesterday was filled with doubt and questions and sadness and fear. Today was filled with more assuredness and answers and happiness and confidence. For me, it often has to do with getting out of my head and talking to others. Mother, friend, stranger.

I want to be an artist. I am an artist, but want to push it more, make more work, be more dedicated, sacrifice a little more. It is not an easy path, but one that makes my heart sing more than any other I can dream up. Looking at artists that I admire, seeing their work and their name on vinyl stretching across the white walls of a gallery, I think, I want that, I want that to be me.

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