Monday, November 17, 2008

The Joy of Learning

Tonight was my first Illustrator class.  Having not been in school for seven years, I forgot how wonderful it is to sit and be taught something, to soak in knowledge that you previously did not know.  I got a taste of this a little over a year ago, when I was thinking about acupuncture school and took a biology class. After working for eight hours I would go sit in a classroom and just be wide awake as I learned about the human body, the make-up of organisms, and the stages of the earth's development. I felt the same way tonight as John, our young architect instructor, walked us through just some of the many tools in Illustrator.  Suddenly I could picture myself as a designer, could see being creative in front of a computer screen.  Moments like that give me hope that I am on the right path...that through exploration of the things that interest me some greater occupational knowledge will occur. That one morning I will wake up just knowing that I am meant to be....It is also a good lesson to live each day and listen to those little urges that make you take a class, try a new sport, go up a new trail, read a new book. The lessons are daily and they all lead you somewhere.

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