Monday, February 1, 2010


I haven't totally figured out why I am blogging again. Am I using it as a journal, as a place to show art, and/or a place to share my daily life with family and friends? There is something freeing about writing a post and sending it out into the unknown, the vast space that is the internet. I would love to use it to spur creative pursuits forward, a digital way to record artistic ideas, thoughts, finds that I gather over the day, weeks, months, and years.

I was spending a couple of delicious hours on Saturday lying on the couch and absorbing the plethora of magazines that I take out almost weekly from the library (if they ever stop letting people check out old issues of magazines I don't know what I will do). I read this great article in Communication Arts, a design magazine, by Wendy Richmond about blogging, entitled Blogging with a Different Perspective. Richmond was at first very against blogging but states, " I began to see a different perspective: Blogging in the original sense can be a tool to foster and reflect upon the development of one's work. So instead of using a blog as a way of speaking out, I realized I could use it to speak in" (Communication Arts Nov/Dec 2009). She goes on to say how a blog gives permission for the works-in-progress to be shared, a unique position in a world where public often means polished.

I love the idea of using a blog to put ideas out there, regardless of whether they are "bad" or "good". Often, along the path of creating it is the first sketches that turn out to be the most treasured pieces because they are so raw and simple and usually devoid of too much thought.

To this blog being a record-keeper of ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I set your blog via Google while searching for real gain in the course of a callousness bout and your momentary looks sinker interesting for me