Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Day....Looking Back

**I started writing this when I first got back to Jackson. Things have gotten in the way of writing, but I am working to change that....

I have been meaning to write all week, to get back to this place that was part of my life "pre-wedding". Now the wedding has passed and I am feeling a little blue, sad that all of the activity, anticipation, preparation, and excitement has passed, leaving behind lovely memories of one of the best days of my life.

Saturday, July 24. Butterflies in my stomach when I wake up, mixed with the stress that always seems to reside in my stomach when I have a lot to do in a short amount of time. Rain, sometimes in cold sheets. Flowers from Sue, dutifully picked up by my brother, ready to be arranged by my mothers' and Jamies grandmothers' deft hands. A white tent that takes up the whole lawn, aglow in the dark morning with Christmas lights. Direction of Claire, Kate, and Bryn, who take my needs and gracefully run with them. The tables start to come together, with votives, centerpieces, table numbers.  A vision is starting to become a reality. Periodically wondering what Jamie is doing, whether he is nervous, excited. Sweet Marit comes with bobbi pins and hairspray in tow and proceeds to not only soothe my mother, help dab a last minute stain out of my wedding dress (!), but make my hair look absolutely gorgeous. I begin to feel the realness of it all. Bridesmaids fill the upstairs of my parents house. Anne arrives to snap the activity, taking photos of my minimal makeup application. I feel like a celebrity, but also prefer when just my mom and I are sharing the bathroom mirror to apply mascara. Jamie is spotted out the window. He is wearing the straw hat I gave him and looking adorable, as usual. Giggle, mimosas, tears....I love all of the ladies who are getting ready with me so much. Adornment and then I get in the dress. Ahh, the dress that I love so much. So much. Fun, but slightly dangerous pink shoes on, I am ready to go. The rain has stopped and the air is a soft grey, cool enough so I don't get hot in my heavy dress and perfect for photography. The woods look magical as I walk down the path with my parents, who put so much into its existence and created a truly perfect spot for a wedding. I hide up the path with my parents, watching the bridal party move down the path, Olive walking beside Claire and Luke, not wanting Jamie to spot me prematurely. At Last begins and the moment is now, my parents and I walking down the wood chips, crossing the bridge and working our way up the incline to the arbor and my groom. Kisses to my parents and then I am there with Jamie, aware of the people all around us. Not feeling nervous that all eyes are on us, because these are eyes that love us. Fays kind words, Bryn reading an excerpt from The Gift from the Sea, everyone's cheers of support....then our words. My voice trembles a bit, but I take the words slow. Jamies turn...more misting. Olive is summoned and she works her way dutifully through the crowd, finding her parents, bringing us the rings like the best little dog. Ring vows and then our kiss and it is over, we are moving down the aisle as husband and wife. It went so quickly. It really was one of the most amazing episodes in my life. The people, the setting, the weather, the happenings. All formed together to make the experience one I will never forget.

More to come....


Anonymous said...

and us also..... we will never forget how beautiful you are and jamie too and how happy you seem together. may your hearts stay be continued.....

claire dibble said...

this made me drop a tear in my tea. so lovely. so fleeting. so glad to see you writing again.