Sunday, October 23, 2011


My day was full of painting...prepping boards with gesso and painting the walls of my upstairs home, a space that is just aching for us to move into it. I can't wait and the excitement makes the wall-painting bearable. It is amazing how far the upstairs has come, how it has transformed, and become a real grown-up home. It is hard to come down to the basement apartment. Soon we will ascend....

Another amazing fall day. The air was so warm. We were able to take the doggies hiking in t-shirts and I could have had shorts on easily. It is wonderful how long this warm fall has stretched and Jackson continues to get quieter and quieter as all of the tourists disappear and people escape for the off-season to go surfing in California or climbing in the desert. 

I worked in my studio today. Got some boards prepped for painting on this week and worked on my piece for the Exquisite Animal Show at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Exquisite Corpse is a game popularized by the Surrealists in the early 20th century. Different artists are given a part of the animal body and when the parts come together, a fantastical creature emerges. Quite fun. .Ex

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