Monday, October 29, 2007

Weekend in Lander

My fingertips are sore.
We spent the weekend in Lander, under a hot sun, climbing some great rock. There is nothing that quite compares to making your way up a problem, your body and mind actively working together. It was also a weekend of testing out the new camper. I have to say it is quite nice, as the temperature decreases, to be snug in a cozy space complete with small furnace and warm boy.

With beautiful yellow eyes, an orange-grey coat and strong dignity, this wolf ran across our path as we were driving to Lander. He looked at us from ten feet away and then made his way leisurely through the sage brush. Olive growled quietly, sensing wildness that she possesses and also fears.

It feels great to live without much stuff in a small space. I felt like I was five and playing house, with a miniature stove and fridge. I have a feeling that the camper life will be our reality come next spring.

Olive dog has become quite the rock dog. She does wonder what we silly humans are doing when we scale rock faces, often in very warm temperatures. But she has become accustomed to finding good sticks to chew and comfortable lounging places like the one above.

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