Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long time...

Been a long time since I have written. A whirlwind week of late dinners out, exquisite dancers with amazing bodies and personalities to match, lifting, laying marley floor, running errand after errand, smiling a lot, long nights and early mornings, inspiration, art everywhere. Alonzo King Lines Ballet is extraordinary. If you ever, ever have the opportunity to see them, do. The company is more than just talented dancers and a creative choreographer. There is something that speaks to the heart when they dance, something pure art that springs forth.

Today was a great day. I worked my legs and lungs up Mt. Glory to ski with my boy and my dog. My favorite combo. Amazing new snow, the feeling of gliding down, the lightness of the white, my growing aggressiveness with my turns. I worked from home today, and got a great deal done. Feels great to be productive. Yoga tonight made my body hum with warmth and my hips feel the most open they have in weeks.

My friend Carrie had to put her dog down today. I got her text and immediately feel into Olive with tears dripping on her fur. She licked my face with big open, brown eyes. I told her I treasure every moment that we can climb Mt. Glory together, that I can see her run, that she snuggles with me. I will be a mess. An utter, absolute mess when my day comes to let Olive enter her next life.

But for now I have a healthy pup lying next to me. And a very diverse and inspiring day behind me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss not living closer to you. You make me smile. I love you, xomom