Monday, November 19, 2007

Figure in Red

I have discovered that when I wake up and immediately reach for my writing notebook, delving into what Julia Cameron calls Morning Pages, I feel lighter and more ready for the day. Rarely does the pen lift from the page and ink just flows. The idea of Morning Pages is that they eventually lead to creative flow, allowing the mind to aimlessly empty. They are not part of a journal, although mine take on that quality, and after completion they are not to be read for at least a few years. Unconscious writing but appropriate words...

The piece to the right is small. Only measuring four x six, this painting was made largely to use up paint but I ended up really appreciating the etheral figure that emerged. I have realized recently how much I love titanium white. It is like frosting and meant to be put on thick.

My hands are green from painting the stairs that will lead to the Emerald City....I am helping out with props for Dancers' Workshop's holiday performance of the Wizard of Oz. It is fun to be swept back into a favorite childhood story, to make the creation of larger-than-life lollipops and foamcore barn animals an adult responsibility.

5 Grateful's
1. The sunshine hitting the butte outside the window.
2. The warm day, however eerie it may be for this time in November.
3. That Jamie is cooking a delicious dinner right at this moment.
4. Laughing with Robin and Babs while painting stairs Kelly green.
5. The lightbulbs that I bought that make our dining room table lighter.

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