Tuesday, November 27, 2007


There is so much to be thankful for.

I found out yesterday, opening the Daily, that an acquaintance of mine had died in a car crash in Mexico. I know his wife of six-months, Mandy, better but had spent enough time with Chris to know that he was a really good man, one of those gentle human beings who effortlessly spreads kindness. And he and Mandy were really in love.

Life can just be gone so quickly. I know that I do not think about that enough. Not in a morbid sense, but with deep appreciation for all the gifts that surround me each day. My dogs cuddles when I wake up in the morning, the hot coffee Jamie leaves for me every morning, my ability to get out of bed and go for a run, the mountainous view when I come down Putt-Putt trail, the snug house that I live in, the wonderful friends that surround me...the list is endless. Upon hearing of her friend Phil's cancer, Babs said, " That is why you make sure that you are doing what you love...". And those words echoed through my head as I read the small article about Chris's death. Get over the fear and realize that time is valuable. Chris led a giving life. He bestowed numerous gifts upon the students of this valley and was an active participant in Habitat for Humanity. My heart goes out to his family and to Mandy who is having to deal with physical pain as well as the deep emotional loss of the man that she had decided to share her life with.

Just a few photos from the last week:

Jamie's sister Nikki looking out over the back side of the Tetons while skiing at Grand Targhee. My first time this season back on the snowboard and it felt great.

One of the cows that I made out of foam-core for Dancers' Workshop's production of The Wizard of Oz. This poor beast will be caught up in the cyclone that sends Dorthey's house flying....After one rehearsal he had already bent a leg and broken his tail.

The full moon that I got to see rise over the Snake River, a fishing bald eagle silhouetted in its intense glow. This shot is taken after the moon had risen a ways in the sky.

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