Saturday, December 1, 2007

Start of a new month

Yesterday, trying to fight this depleting cold, I hiked Mt. Glory with Jamie and Olive and two hundred other anxious, powder-loving individuals. It was a beautiful morning, the sky tinged pink, and the hike up was not too strenuous. The ride down was beautiful, powder spraying up, carving long arcs down pure blankets of soft whiteness. Olive was in utter heaven. After the first one hundred yards of the boot-pack she turned around, snow decorating her face so only her eyes shown black, and seemed to say through her wide ear-to-ear grin, " Mom, this is so great." Having a dog who finds joy in every adventure makes any trip, even a hike up Mt. Glory with hordes of other people, enjoyable.

I am almost done reading Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken. I need to read it again to get all of the valuable information and insights out of it. It is a beautifully written book, full of optimism and confidence in the direction of the world. Hawken centers his book around the increasing influence of environmental and social non-profits, foundations, and organizations on the world and how these entities exist not through ideologies but through truth. His words and research give hope that through making yourself an aware and thoughtful person on this planet you can begin to live in a less impactful way. Human beings are part of nature and the harm we do to Earth, we do to ourselves.
5 Grateful's for December 1:
1. Ginger tea
2. The handmade, artistic advent calendar from my Mom.
3. Olives playfulness with other dogs on Cache Creek Trail.
4. Jamie's hug.
5. Our wood stove on this cold, clear night.


Anonymous said...

Olive is so cute, you can see her smiling in the photo. Looks like you have so much snow, hope you get more. Love your blog and your graditudes, makes me more aware of mine. Our graditude is that we know you. wuvyurents

Anonymous said...

Paul Hawken and his team created for those nonprofits to network and be visible to those who could work and coordinate with them. Check it out, its a both a directory and a tool for social change in the world!