Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pushing life to the limit

I want to live a life where I am totally passionate. Where I push my dreams, desires, ideas, creativity to the edge and then a little further. I want to feel good about my days, look back and feel tired but proud. And not necessarily see a finished product all of the time, but know that the process was invaluable enough.

I don't fully feel this quality in my life right now. I know that I often don't creatively investigate aspects of my life as curiously as I could. Maybe that is why I like working out with a trainer, because, although I have him standing over me, it is my own body and mind pushing me further than what I think is possible. I need to take that quality into my relationships, my work, my art, and my day-to-day existence.

It is probably fear, it is probably uncertainty, it is probably because it often feels safer to be the listener than the doer. It is a quality, motivation, that I want to foster in my life more. Awareness is a good first step.

A thing of beauty today was watching my dancing co-workers and friends perform their latest Contemporary Dance Wyoming piece. The endurance of their lungs and the joy of moving that was evident on all of their faces was a beautiful thing.

An Addendum to the Day:

8:50pm I just got back from hearing Azar Nafisi speak. She was brilliant and beautiful and fierce. The author of Reading Lolita in Tehran she spoke of writing, of reading, of imagination, and the dire need to reinvent our culture as one that honors and learns from art and literature. Our consciousness is sleeping, our feeling in entropy-that is the crisis of our country.  She spoke of the danger of labeling people without really knowing, how we categorize in order to feel safe or politically correct. How we read and write not because we know, but because we don't know and that journey is exciting. She spoke about how the power of literature transcends geographical and cultural differences, how our stories mesh with those of another. What an amazingly strong woman....I have loved every author and poet that the Library has brought for their speaker series. Going to Page to the Podium events have become one of my favorite events in Jackson purely because they leave me feeling inspired, hopeful, and filled with beauty. What a nice end to the day.

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