Thursday, March 4, 2010

Signs and Beauty

I love days when you wake up and the signs are all there.
Small signs that indicate it will be a good day, and big signs that talk about the promise of something on the horizon.
I woke up to J's "good morning", more peaceful than usual (he is not a morning person), followed by a hug.
I heard a new song by Martin Sexton on my favorite radio station, KHOL, that was all about following your dreams because life is too short not to.
I talked with my parents and they continue to share their love of the natural world with me, just like when I was little, from screech owls to stars in the sky.
I watched what was part movie, part art piece--A Single Man--with my good friend E. This film is by Tom Ford, fashion designer Tom Ford, and is based on the novel with the same name. Beautifully filmed, about the brevity of life and how we never know when it will end.
I came out of the theater and it was snowing, warm, fat snowflakes, which always makes me smile.

Beauty is all around.

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