Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Once I get going, I think that I can be a pretty good talker, a sharer, a communicator. It is just that space before the words, the moments when everything is in my head, still silent, not out in the air, in someone else's ears.

I am not sure what the hesitation is--disappointment, fear, uncertainty, not wanting to hurt others. All qualities that occasionally keep me from being true to myself, from speaking my own heart.

It is my biggest struggle. My biggest obstacle in life. And I am determined to work on it. I am going to change how I look at it....struggle no more...obstacle no more....rather, it is an opportunity to find a side of myself that is new, even at the ripe age of 31, a time to be curious and explorative, brave and powerful.

It is an exhilarating goal.

My grateful's for today:
1. My friendship with J
2. My friendship with R
3. That the day was warmer and almost balmy
4. My wood stove
5. That there were tasty, nutritious leftovers in the fridge for dinner.

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