Friday, January 22, 2010


It was dark except for a candle in the middle of the circle of mats and cushions. The whir of a fan was the only noise besides the settling in of sitters around me. Warm, comforting, a space filled with yellow light. The gong sounded and then we sat, adjusting into our own breath, a cycle of inhales and exhales that are uniquely our own.

I was surprised when the gong sounded after 45 minutes. The time has gone so quickly. It had been a challenge at times to not let my mind wander; I had gone from worrying that my cell phone was not off, feeling the ache in my spine as I tried to sit up straight, and sensing my body sway as I sat in some realm between awake and asleep.

I loved that no words needed to be spoken. That a group of fifteen people came to sit together in a warm room, faces that looked familiar from the community. I left with J without saying anything until we were out of the room, back in the snowy night.

Great peace. A wonderful way to start out the weekend.

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