Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hank the Cowdog

This Cowdog could have been Hank...

Broadcasting my voice across radio airwaves does not bother me. Putting up a piece of art and having others eyes on it is slightly unnerving, but I usually enjoy it more than dread it. But standing up, in full view of an audience, and moving, speaking, and attempting to act is downright scary to me. Occasionally I like to try to overcome this fear, push myself in directions that aren't the most comfortable.

A few years ago I was in the chorus of The Vagina Monologues, partly because it was for a great cause that I believed in and I got to work with a wonderful group of women, reminding me of my Smith days. It was exhilarating and so much fun. So when Hank the Cowdog popped up, a live radio theatre production based on a children's book that BB adapted, I decided to be brave again. Two friends are doing it. No lines need to be memorized. And I get to be a chicken. What could be better?

The two days of rehearsal have been a great deal of fun. I am in constant awe of the kids involved, their ease at being in the limelight, and admire the wide spectrum of the community that has come out to be a part of this humorous tale. Live radio theatre involves enthusiastic narrators, two mics that actors speak into, a live band, and an array of sound effects that add great humor to the show, think Prairie Home Companion. Scripts are on stage and there is not much movement. Except if you are a chicken and you get to cluck around stage at random times.

There are rehearsals for two more nights and then the performances are on Friday and Saturday. Should be a fun time....I am glad I was brave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that about the cutest dog?????? Is the live broadcast on the net??? Love to hear it......xo