Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Diamonds in the Morning Air...

How to hold onto the peacefulness of morning, when the mind hasn't totally woken up to began its whirring and the details of the day haven't reached such a magnitude that everything else becomes secondary? Walking up Cache Creek this morning the air looked like it was made up of diamonds. Snow particles hung in the air, catching the new light and twinkling. It was beautiful. And I had time to notice.

I must like having my days packed. Who doesn't have busy schedules though? Sometimes I think that so much is lost because there are so many emails to write, phone calls to make, conversations to have, and situations to deal with...all very important. But all so NOT important. Priorities need to be shifted in my daily life and I am having a hard time knowing how to make that a reality.

An end to a tired day. I think that Olive and I will go to bed and wake up more alert to keeping that morning feeling of bewilderment and peace. Olive always wakes up that way though...

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