Sunday, January 10, 2010

I think that watching Julie & Julia last night inspired me to be a blogger again. Something about writing on the internet and later becoming a published author is just dreamy. Also, I am reading The Right to Write by Julia Cameron and her words are hitting me hard. This can be applied to any art form I think:

"...When I am trying to think something up, I am straining. When, on the other hand, I am focused about just getting something down, I have a sense of attention but not a sense of strain. Another way to think of it is that writing is the art of taking dictation, not giving it.  When I listen to what I hear and simply jot that down, the flow of ideas is not mine to generate but to transcribe. When, on the other hand, I struggle to write, it is because I am trying to speak on the page rather than listen there."

She goes on to talk about how by listening, a lot of the ego disappears. There is a degree of separation from the work, where curiosity and amazement take charge, and the "me" steps aside. I like that idea in regards to writing, but also painting, drawing, sculpting...the list goes on.

What else inspired me today?

I opened up an old yogurt container that I had made papier mache paste in for Alice in Wonderland in December and this is what I found:

So amazing, so beautiful (if a little smelly). And it totally reaffirmed my love for all things organic :)

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