Saturday, January 16, 2010

What spending all day outside and watching Meryl Streep can do for the soul...

Pushing myself around the track, I was struck at how long it has been since I have spent a full day outside. Probably since climbing season. I had forgotten how your body adapts to the elements (helpful when you have layers to take on and off) and how wonderful it feels to be surrounded by blue sky, towering peaks, and sunshine-filled air. A fullness, yet also a lightness, occurs.

R and I did a women's skate skiing clinic today at the Village. It has made me eager for more, to get better and better, and be able to adopt this sport as part of my winter routine. A mix of hard work and, when you get good, an effortless grace. Could you ask for more in a sport? Nine to four and although my body was ready to sit, my mind was still racing to skate.

It's Complicated=A fun movie. And I got to see it with a great guy. E is always game for the same films I am, as long as they have got a good review, and our taste very rarely differs. Meryl Streep is one of my favorite actresses....I have watched two movies of hers in the past week and I just can't get enough of her. Her diversity, her strength, how her age has only made her more beautiful.

What a nice full day...Couldn't have asked for a much better one.

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