Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sleepless in Snowy Jackson

There have been certain nights this past week when I put down Reading Lolita in Tehran (my current read), turn off the light, roll over onto my side, and my mind starts racing. These are the nights that I know I will have to do battle with myself in order to enter dreamworld. Tonight I decided not to fight the thoughts and get up and be productive.

There are so many things to do. Always. Some fun, some not as much.

Tonight the list reads like this, in this order:

--Grant for CCJH to support Public Arts Coordinator position
--Americans for the Arts 2010 Symposium in June (that I really want to attend, but maybe can't afford)
--Wedding details like...invitations, music, men's clothes, decorations, lights, getting my dog to Maine (big one)....this list can go on, but I have seen it all before and don't want to see it here.
--Getting Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet tickets sold
--How I am going to be an Artist....which leads to...
--Should I go back to school? and....
--For a degree in art-making or art-administrating?

Maybe this slight purging will help.

1 comment:

claire dibble said...

i like seeing your list. i don't like the idea of it keeping you up at night.