Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whodunit 2010

As promised to my mom, I took photos of my Whodunit piece. 

Whodunit is a show that the Art Association hosts every two years. They send out 6x6 canvas to artists, allowing them to work within that dimension however is desired. Sign the back, turn the finished art in, and all the work gets hung, nameless, on a wall. It is a visually pleasing show; a ribbon of colorful and diverse canvas snaking around the gallery space. All the work is $99 and show attendees put their name on a list next to their favorite pieces. At the end of the night, a name gets drawn from the list, and that person is the recipient of a Whodunit piece. And they get to see who the artist is--someone famous, someone almost famous, an emerging artist!

I easily forget how peaceful and meditative it is to sit and shape pods. They really are so soothing to make and each one, although fashioned in the same way, comes out so differently, which I love. I need to make more. 

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