Sunday, May 2, 2010


Something made me stop on the dike and look out at the flowing river, moving quicker now with a little snow melt, and notice the shiny small head gliding through the water. Against the current, so I knew it wasn't a floating log. Suddenly an otter behind and powerful webbed feet flipped up and the graceful animal dived for fish, reappearing and continuing his swim. He made circles in the river, diving and reemerging, his feet smacking the water. I was close enough to hear the impact.

It was amazing.

It made me feel lucky to witness such beauty, while also feel such sadness for all of the animals and species suffering down south in the Gulf. Man's greed once again causing harm to other living things. It kills me, just like it did when I saw the images on TV of the Valdez spill in Alaska as a younger person, that such events happen and cause so much pain, harm, and death.

Such an event makes me feel sheltered and also helpless. My hope goes out to that area....

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