Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dealing with Conflict and Will the House Take Away My Husband?

I know that one of the hardest things for me is dealing with conflict. I don't like disappointing people and I would rather have pleasant conversations then ones filled with tension and sideways remarks. The rebuilding of the Dancers' Workshop website has been a thorn in my side and full of conflict, with me, yeah, the referee, the middleman. Our designer (who is my friend and quite a creative lady) and our developer (who is a nice person, but is a bit systematic) loathe each other, a relationship that has developed over the course of this project. They both think that they are right, not really trying to see the others point of view very readily. Today I got to sit in (hopefully) our last meeting together and at times I wanted to scream. And maybe I should have. This has been a good lesson in being more vocal, forthright, and diving right into the conflict. It is a hard process. It has also been a good lesson in remembering that there are two sides (or more) to everything. Which leads me to....

I felt annoyed tonight that I came home and the house was being demolished and Jamie hadn't made it to agility graduation to watch Olive be a champion. I felt awful being annoyed, seeing that this is our house that is being improved upon, but I couldn't help it. And I had to go on a walk to let my bad mood dissipate, and to realize how selfish I was being. That here was Jamie working on the house all day, and I could only notice what he didn't do that afternoon. I won't let the house take away my husband, but maybe I just need to get a little swept up in it too. For a while anyway.

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