Saturday, October 16, 2010


--Early morning driving to the airport in the dark to drop Jamie off. Whiskers on my   
  sleepy cheek.
--Cuddled in bed with my guilty pleasure, the newest issue of Elle. Doggie snores beneath me.
--A stack of books in my hand at the library book sale, each book like a treasure unearthed.
--GT's Kombucha back at the grocery store. The rumor was it was unavailable for a while because Lindsey Lohan had some in her car when she got pulled over for her latest violation (there is a trace amount of alcohol in it).
--Another guilty pleasure...thrift store shopping. Nothing good and everything seemed to fit strangely.
--Walking with Olive through the crunchy leaves, the earth smelling like the slow decay of fall, the clouds whipping overhead, a mixture of puffy white and threatening grey.
--The thought of a nap.
--Mexican food, spicy and tasty, at my trainers client appreciation party.
--At the next party, dancing on a full belly of food to Zumba and having a whole lot of fun with my co-workers.
--Thinking about my mother and her birthday. How I wish I could be at dinner with my family tomorrow night.
--My eyelids heavy and ready for sleep and a Sunday that has no concrete plans...just what I love.

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