Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Efficiency & Dog Love

Despite waking up an hour late this morning, for some reason my mind telling me that it was the weekend and that I could snuggle for extra minutes with my pooch, I had a day that felt efficient. And that is such a good feeling. I tend to play such games with myself, procrastinating to the point where I am forced to do everything in a short amount of time, but always managing to get it all done. Would I feel as efficient if I was more of a planner, and my tasks were spread out over days, weeks, months? Would I get satisfaction from feeling like I was doing my job well? Hard to know because I have never been a planner. And probably never will be, for better or worse.

When I am in my house I love only having one dog. When I am outside, on the trails, I adore having a pack with me, watching their interactions with one another and their curiosity with the outdoor world. I can be in hysterics one moment and full of awe at the presentness of these animals the next. It makes me wish that we had a bigger yard and more room. And that Olive wasn't such a princess, but of course there is only myself to blame for that one.

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