Monday, October 11, 2010

Walking up Josie's Ridge With your Boss..

...who is more like your friend. She can be such a difficult person. I sometimes wonder though if it is because I envy her bluntness, her ability to forge forward and get what she wants. It is a hard balance, keeping your own degree of confidence up around someone like Babs while also learning from her example and pushing forward with your own ideas and pursuits. I go round and round in this job, have for years, between feeling supported and inspired and feeling stifled and routinized.

She called me today at 3:30pm and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. And I was sitting in front of my computer, my eyes dragging and my emails stagnant, so of course I said yes. And as we walked up Josie's Ridge in the setting sunlight, doggies running around our legs, I thought how lucky I was to have a "boss" who takes me away from the doldrums of the office and gets me outside into the fresh air.

I have to realize how much I have, and how much ability I do have to shape this job if I really want to....

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