Monday, October 25, 2010

Snowy Day

Today was the first day with snow in the valley. Four inches to be exact, and it didn't melt during the day. Instead the clouds above kept adding to the blanket of white, fat, wet flakes that drifted down all day. It is always a hard transition to go from bare ground to wet. I usually take Olive out for a walk on the first day with snow because she reminds me to appreciate what is. She finds the wet stuff a blast, although I did see her daintily holding her paws up on the driveway, as if the first touch of cold takes some adjustment on her end as well.
Tonight was the Old Bill's party at the Museum, the time when non-profits, donors, and boards come together to hear how much money was raised that year and to recognize all the make it possible. It is an event that gets my heart every time because this community is so incredibly rich in many ways, both literally, thankfully, and metaphorically. It makes you feel proud to be part of it, and it makes me happy to look around and recognize so many faces.

I am utterly exhausted. I managed to get myself up to work out this morning, but now, 8:30pm, I am ready for bed. Nigh, nigh.

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