Monday, January 3, 2011

Busy Bee

I am thinking about a conversation that Claire and I were having recently about whether I prefer having my days jammed packed with a billion things, which seems to be the case more often than not, or if I wish that life was just a little slower. Looking back on this first day back at work (reality and not skiing powder every day) I feel really content, more so than I did yesterday from a day of doing little. I don't know exactly what that means, but it is just in my awareness right now. During the day I felt rather stressed and crunched and juggling many balls. But in retrospect it all came together and I was able to mix the work with a workout this morning, a nice lunch at home with my dog, and a climbing session at the gym with Jame. And I feel like I accomplished tasks at work, which is really satisfactory. I suppose what gets me down a bit is how I can busy myself easily with "jobs" that aren't really hitting my soul-like art, meditating, writing, etc.

My friend Jodeen dropped a box of ginger chews and my desk today and said thank you. I didn't know what for, until she told me that her husband has been painting for the last day and a half. Harry and I had this long discussion on New Year's Eve about making art, making ourselves do art, finding the time and space and motivation, and having others view our creations. I motivated him to go home and start painting again. That is what he told Jodeen. It made me so unbelievably happy, that I could help someone in this way.

This is a blog that I am loving now:
And this is a blog of a yoga teacher in town:
Loved her last entry.


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