Monday, January 31, 2011


I am reading The Wisdom of Yoga by Stephen Cope, per the suggestion of my friend Vanessa. I have been really digging the mental aspect of the Anusara classes that I have been going to, how the envisioning of energy is part of holding the poses, how alignment and breathe are stressed repeatedly. Cope is a teacher at Kripalu, where my dad went while I was in college. I remember visiting him there and it being gorgeous, the Western Mass mountains stretching around.

I read something last night about finding stillness, about being silent and just taking the time to not do. About how opening that can be, how beneficial to the mind and body. I need to find that more in my life. I like being alone, but I like doing things alone and often have a hard time just sitting alone. I notice this especially in this town, where it seems if you are not moving, you are not fully living . I need to slow my life down to some degree, at least guide it in directions where I feel like I can take the time to write, doodle, daydream, and create.

My new studio space is going to help with this. I went and visited her today, in her degree of chaos that is slowly becoming controlled by the work of diligent volunteers. I am so excited about moving down and being in an atmosphere of artists. I feel like I am not putting expectations on myself, not thinking that by moving down there suddenly art is going to come pouring out of me, but rather just simply curious about where this is going to direct and throw me. I need to get rid of things in my life that are not serving me...hard when so many things are...but there are a few pieces that could change that would relieve some stress and responsibility.

The sun shone again today. Olive and I skied down Cache Creek this morning in a beam of sunlight. Tomorrow it will be -20 below and I don't see cross country skiing in our cards. Hold the sunshine....

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