Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gratefuls for 1.11.11

Gratefuls for today:
--My breakfast in my "new" cozy kitchen (Jamie and I moved into our downstairs apartment in preparation for the demolition of the upstairs).
--A Marketing Workshop that got the gears going about how I can be a better employee in both of my jobs, while keeping it all more interesting.
--A beautiful, leisurely hike up Mt. Glory with bluebird skies and a brilliant sun.
--Olives chirping on the ski down, her joy at being in the outdoors.
--A tired body and a sun-kissed face.
--A good friends kind words
--A realization that I am so happy with my decision to stay put in Jackson and not worry about my future and what I am supposed to do with it....and jumping into a greater art-making process. Walking through that fear.
--My book club, full of interesting and curious and smart ladies. We ate pasta and salad and cookies and talked about a rather dull read....
--Jamie, who started a roaring fire and turned off the TV upon my return home :)
--A full day that has left me content and ready for shut eye....

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