Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Modern Dance

Tonight I was a Modern dancer. Initially, I did not want to go to class because it was at a late time and it was at the place that I work. But it ended up being the highlight of a rather tiring and brain-deadening day. Modern dance is the equivalent of abstract art, which as you all know I love and am partial to. So as much as I liked my Ballet class a couple of months ago, my heart really responds to the easy-going, creative, and independent dance form of Modern.

We had to express Gooey movements across the floor, followed by Sharp, Fluid, and Sparkley ones. We got to roll, prance, jump and turn. My body felt so stiff in some ways, so caught in the rigidness that can be adulthood. A good hour and a half of letting go, having fun, laughing with eight great women, and forgetting about the list a mile long that I have going in my head and on numerous scrap pieces of paper at my desks.

Freeness, a nice state to go to bed in.

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