Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Day of Ahhhs.....

I woke up this morning feeling like I could sleep forever. The rustle of Jamie getting ready for work, the dog snuggle from my favorite dog, a cup of hot tea all got me moving. I had a morning where I felt strong, strong while I was working out at Augies and strong in the fact that I did errands and then came home straight to CCJH work. After talking with my parents.....who are such amazing individuals. I wish that we lived closer, but their blog gives me snippets into their days, reminding me that my writing is important to post for them as well.

Listening to the State of the Union address and feeling hopeful again, although also a little disillusioned by the rhetoric words of government. I want so many things that Obama spoke about; I can only hope that such things can be implemented. When he spoke of education, I couldn't help but be annoyed that the arts and humanities are continually left out of the picture, still after all these years of a failing education system, when creativity and openness is what is so desperately needed. I am reading this wonderful book by Ken Robinson called The Element which talks about a needed shift in the way we educate. See his great talk on TED.com below.

Jamie and I went to our now weekly yoga class and it was all about heart openers and feeling compassion for oneself and others and community. It was a nice message for me tonight. It felt good to stretch open and I really love that this is something new that Jamie and I can do together. I am really loving Anusara Yoga because it is all about getting postures correct and feeling the energy that resides in our bodies, in our muscles. Much visualization, which is right up my alley.

Watched A Dog Year tonight and although the ending was a little weak, it made me cry. What dog movie doesn't? And when it has a Border Collie in it, I am just mush. I am so enthralled by these dogs, by their craziness and sensitivity to everything around them. Olive teaches me so much daily and I know that I only take in little snippets of her education.

Time for bed. Nice to write a bit before my head hits the pillow though.

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