Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Weekend

--Gripped by The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, lying in bed on Saturday morning because I can't put it down. Not the best writing ever, but a super intriguing story.
--A walk with Jamie and Olive, the snowy trail and woods to ourselves, getting Olive all revved up so that she exerts more energy.
--Browse n' Buy scores--new Cloudveil shorts, new Nike shorts, Smartwool long underwear, a super cute shirt dress, black capri leggings, and a styley jacket/shirt. I felt like I was in thrift store heaven.
--A paper show at my favorite art gallery, inspired by the artist Judy Pfaff.
--More reading and then walking down the elk refuge road in the beautiful afternoon light, the Tetons swirled in a light mist.
--Dinner with friends we haven't seen for a while.
--Sleeping in
--Hanging with Audrey and Mike at their cabin in the deep woods, surrounded by trees and snow. A leisurely breakfast, a short skin up behind their house to ski down amazing powder, happy dogs and owners, cozy cabin, great company and more food, playing Settlers of Catan.
--Home to bed, full, more peaceful than when the weekend started. Hoping to hold on to this mellowness as the work week begins.

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